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Monday, November 11, 2013

Change, Honesty, and Idiocy

I came to a realization this past weekend. It wasn't one of those moments where I felt brazen enough to scream "I'm a fucking genius!" - but it was one of those moments where I learned to let go a bit.

As a new-ish Mom, I'm super sensitive to what people say about my kids. When people ask "what are you feeding this kid?!? He's HUGE!" I tend to get defensive because, well, Ori looks like a normal 3-month-old...with a large head (for real, Capt. Cranium -  just like his big brother). I know people aren't saying things to be rude but it's still pretty annoying. 

After that question sunk in a bit, I realized that I'm sick of reading all these articles that try to 'educate' people on what not to say. This is when the realization hit. I came to the conclusion that I can't stop the idiocy that pops out of their mouths but I can change how it makes me feel. 

Change the Conversation

Whenever someone says "just wait until they're older - they'll runs circles around you!" I can turn it around and say "I can't wait for that day!!" When someone asks "what are you feeding this kid?" I'm going to say "growth hormones". When someone asks "don't you think you should put a hat on your baby - he's cold!" I'll tell them that he's not cold because he's really dressed as warmly as a polar bear. And he doesn't like hats. For real, he doesn't. I've tried - he cries. It's not worth the fight with either of my kids. 

So, rather than educate people on what not to say (because, let's be honest, they aren't the ones reading those articles - we are...and we get the idea of what not to say), I'm making the decision to not care and not let it get to me. 

Be Honest

quality time
This is what "quality time" looks like!
The next time I'm pregnant, and people want to touch my belly - I'll let them because feeling a baby kick is one of the coolest experiences in the world. The next time I'm pregnant and someone asks "are you sure you're not having twins?" I'll say "No, but I wish I was - how cool would THAT be?!" (Better that than saying "No, thanks for making me feel like a whale" - even though that was a close second option.) 

I'm also going to be honest. When someone says "Wow, you look tired!" I'll say "I am - but that's because I was too busy spending quality time with my kids ... at 3AM." Some call it 'fussiness', I'm going to call it "quality time". 

Change Your Perception

It's all about perception, people. Don't let someone else make you feel like shit - especially if you know they didn't mean to. Seriously, don't let their words hurt you. You can't change them but you can change how you perceive their words. So, change your perception and realize that you're the only smart one in a sea of idiots.


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