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Friday, November 8, 2013

Just Wait...

Yesterday, I read the most amazing post - it made me cry. Seriously. Tears streaming down my face, voice trembling...that kind of cry.

Let me back track.

Yesterday was rough for both hubster and me. Looooong days in the office, lots of things shifting around, and then we get to our home life where we're still just learning how to parent two boys. Two magnificent and amazing little boys.

Yoav is deep into his terrible twos before being two years old. He still doesn't like to walk and his version of scooting is getting to people (not us, other people). He refuses to conform. (I know, how dare he!!) Imagine that, a toddler who doesn't want to conform. I hope he never loses that side of him.

Then there's Ori. When he's in sensory overload land, it takes him a while to calm down. I picked him up from daycare yesterday and he was a mover and a shaker. He was batting at toys in a way that could make him a brute when he gets older. His determination to get.that.toy is astounding!

We went to my parent's house for dinner and within a few seconds of walking in, all the dogs barking, lights, and sounds made Ori start crying. He hit sensory overload. Then he realized he was hungry.

Between the two of us, we managed to calm Ori and then feed him - then it was Yoav's turn.

He wants to go outside. No inside. No outside, with the dogs, but then the dogs came in and he doesn't know what he wants! If this sounds hectic - it was.

During dinner, Yoav offered the dogs his potato - they ate it - he cried.

When we got home, after putting the boys to bed, doing some work, and getting ready for the next day - I decided to read some bloggy things. One article sent me into tears.

The blogger wrote about all the negative things we say as parents to new parents. It's the "just wait" syndrome. I hear it from my siblings, friends, and coworkers. This blogger put a new spin on it - just wait for all the awesome things your kids do.

Cue the tears!

I can't find the post but the bottom line is something I'm holding onto today - just enjoy the moments you have with your kids. Good. Bad. Ugly. Try to find joy in it.

Ori is 3 months old today - where did that time go?

Yoav is almost 2 and he looks like such a big kid.

Ignore the negative people who tell you to wait until your kid is a teenager. Or the people who say 'yeah, he's good now - just wait!' Fuck that! Your kid is your own - enjoy being a parent. You'll be a better person for it.


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