We're making some changes - which is really what this challenge is all about. We cleaned out most of the crap and now we're ready to start fresh. That means I have to come up with a plan before we go grocery shopping.
The first step of my plan for
The next step is to only buy as much food as we need for the week. Seriously, I don't want to do another ration food challenge. While I come by hoarding food honestly (my grandparents were all Holocaust survivors who hoarded food long after moving to US and becoming successful - my parents do it, too), I can cut back on it just a bit. Granted, I can also stock up a bit when there's a good sale.
Another step: start eating healthier and also start shopping at places that promote that! Just because a package says "healthy" or "balanced" doesn't mean it is. I want to stop eating foods with tons of preservatives. Honestly, I took a look at the ingredients on the bag of bagels I got at Costco and I couldn't pronounce half of the ingredients. WTF! They're bagels!!! Big box places, like Costco, like to add a ton of preservatives to foods that really shouldn't have them - just to elongate their shelf life. Gross.
So, it looks like I'll be menu planning (Pinterest, anyone?) and then taking my money to Whole Foods and Hillers. I'm convinced that I can shop at those places and not pay $400 for a week's worth of groceries.
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