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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Accountability for Fatness - Challenge Day 4

I was just knee-deep in an outline for a client when I decided it was break time! I mean, I've been working since 6:30am with a headache, soooooo I think I deserved a little time to check in with you guys.

He deserves better food.
Our challenge has been going well. Yoav went to daycare with some sandwich-y type lunch that consisted of whole wheat bread, cream cheese, and cucumber slices. He denied this delicious sandwich last night (and fed the potato pancakes to the dogs). I hope he eats it today. Last night's dinner wasn't one of my favorites. I barely ate. Although, that may be because I decimated a few potato pancake rejects prior to dinner. Oops. There goes my diet!

Anyway, this challenge hasn't been that rough. If anything, it's keeping my waistline in check. I thought about getting a snack from a fast food joint yesterday when I was out and about but decided against it and called my dad instead.

One of the things I REALLY miss about Israel is how cheap fruits and veggies are. I mean, c'mon - $2.99 for a tiny head of cauliflower but I can get Swiss Cake Rolls for $1.00? WTF are you thinking, America?? This is silly. We eat veggies out of a bag from the frozen section. That's even worse. Sure, I had a few bags of frozen veggies when we lived overseas but nothing like I have here.


This is not what I want to look like.
Anyway, this food challenge has made me more aware of what I'm putting into my body and what I feed my family. Yes, I think it's gross that much of Yoav's lunch is processed. I'm going to work on that and start baking and cooking more for him. Although, I did get a compliment from his daycare lady. She mentioned that his lunch is far less processed than what most of the kids bring in. Gold star for me!

I'm also going to start cooking more recipes from the Joy of Kosher. Jamie Geller is a genius. Nina Safar is also quite brilliant and I love her recipes on Kosher in the Kitch. (If you can't tell, we keep Kosher). It's time to start holding myself accountable for what my family eats. No more McDonalds - which, btw, we almost had for lunch last Saturday but Yoav shoved a fork so deep into his throat that he threw up, which made us leave the drive through). No more KFC. Time to live a little more Mediterranean in America.


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