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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Challenge Day 3

Do you know what day it is?


Sorry, I had to do that. Happy Wednesday everyone! 

Last night we took a family trip to Target. This store is the devil but it's also my happy place. Craig needed to buy stuff for work and I wanted to get out of the house. All work and no play makes me cranky.

Since returning to work, my eating habits have gone to sh*t. I returned to a complete cluster that was unavoidable. When that happens, I do what I do best ... hide start working. When I start working, I forget to eat. Luckily, when I DO get hungry and remember that I need fuel - there's usually a power bar or something like it in my pantry.

I know, gross. Not healthy at all.

Since starting this blog challenge, we only ate take-out once - and it was gross pizza. But that pizza lasted several meals for both of us. Downside: I learned I can't digest tomato sauce at all now. It really makes me ill.

For dinner, I used up two portions of chicken legs, poured on some marinade and put it in the oven at 400 for an hour; then turned up the heat to 425 for 20 minutes (also putting some tater tots in the oven at this time); then cranking up the heat to 450 for another 10 minutes after putting in some matzo stuffing that was lacking a good crunch. It was delicious. We've returned to our Israeli roots by eating a little later (around 8pm), which means we don't snack as much (or at all) after dinner.

All of the above, plus some yogurt, granola bars, and oatmeal is Craig's lunch.

Yoavi's lunch consists of his oat pouch, juice, veggie bites, chicken bites, non-GMO sweet potato tortilla chips, cheerios, pizza, and yogurt. Sorry, no pictures of it today.

Returning to our list, here's what's left:
  • 3 salmon filets - prepped and ready to be put in the oven
  • 2 portions of chicken legs
  • 1 box of frozen mini-quiche
  • 1 box of frozen cheese tortellini
  • 1 box of mac and cheese bites
  • 1 box of breaded (and frozen) green beans
  • 1 bags of frozen potatoes
  • 1 bag of frozen yams
  • 2 bags of frozen veggies (all varieties)
  • 1/2 salami
  • 1 package of pastrami
  • 12 eggs
  • 6 bagels
  • 1 package of tuna
  • 1 bag of shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 block of special cheese
  • 1/2 box of pasta
  • 1 jar of tomato sauce
  • 1 can of mushroom barley soup
  • 1 package of matzo stuffing
  • 1 jar of Israeli coucous
  • 2 boxes of rice pilaf
  • 1 package of mjadra (sp?)
  • 1 package of falafel mix
  • 1 package of latka mix
  • 1 canister of matzo meal
  • 8 portions of Orange Soup
  • A few bags of chips, pretzels, popcorn, granola bars, snacks, cereal bars, and other oddities that make up our cabinet.
Tonight, we're going to go easy with some roasted red pepper pasta salad and salmon. I'm planning on using some of the Israeli couscous, mjadra, and falafel mix for next week when I get a chance to hit up the grocery store and get some hummous.

All in all, we're making progress!


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