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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wedding, Exams, and Work - Oh My!

Getting married is hard. Getting married in Israel is harder. Will being married be easier? Probably not.

My pre-wedding diet? Failed. (she writes as she reaches for a cookie.)

Pre-wedding prep? Stuck. (she writes as she's trying to find the phone number for the caterer.)

Studying for exams? EPIC FAIL! (but the class notes are in her bag)

This time of the year is always hectic for us- school, work, exams...etc. Getting married made it a tad more difficult. Thankfully, at the end of the day - I am stuck with this guy:

... and 2 very opportunistic dogs...
... and some awesome girl friends...
Life is Good! 

Less than 2 months and we'll look like this: 
Only Married!!


Mr. Glaser said...

Love you too ..... only because you choose oddest of my photos to put up ;-)

MrsHillyG said...

I put it up because of Cecil.

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