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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why Interviews are like Dating

Happy holidays, y'all! I was going to write about Chanukkah gifts today but I'd rather write about something else: the similarities between interviews and dating.

Yesterday I had two interviews. They were both incredibly different in many ways but it reminded me of the days when I was on searching for a nice Jewish husband.

11 Tips for interviewing. Courtesy:
When you go on a date you get all dressed to impressed, right? Well, don't you do the same thing for an interview? You dress nicely, make yourself smell better than usual, and you do your hair nicely (maybe some makeup too?) for both a date AND an interview.

When you go on a first date, sometimes it leads to a second date where you relax a bit, show a bit more of yourself to someone. Sometimes that first interview leads to a second where you also relax a bit more and let people get to know you. Still, the amount of first dates and first interviews that amounted to nothing are greater than the ones that resulted in second dates and second interviews.

On a date, there are certain things you try not to talk about: religion, sex, and money. During an interview, there are also topics not open for discussion: family, money, and religion.

See the similarities so far?

Tips on what NOT to talk about on a date. Courtesy:
Here's another one... the "I" factor. When you're going on dates, we have a tendency to sound a little self-absorbed because, well, you have to! The person across from you needs to get to know YOU. The same goes for an interview. They have this sheet of paper that talks all about YOU and then you sit and talk all about you. The "I" factor is amazing in both scenarios because before you can become part of a 'we' they need to get to know you.

There are a lot of sites out there that tell you what to do in an interview (or a date!) and what not to do but I have some friendly advice for you: be yourself. Just like dating, there's a match for you when it comes to employment. If they don't like you, then you shouldn't want to work there. Be yourself and if they don't like it, f*ck 'em. That works in dating, as well!


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