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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dreams and Destinations

I did something super-duper brazen today and I really can't wait to share it with you!

Ever since I was a kid, I had a passion for studying the Holocaust. Yesterday, I received word from Gratz College that I will be studying in their Holocaust History and Genocide Studies MA program! How COOL IS THAT??? I know, pace myself.

About a year ago, Joanna (the life coach) asked me a really interesting question during one of our work meetings: 'what's your goal in life?'

Without missing a beat, I said "I want to change the way people are educated about the Holocaust." I surprised myself with the answer. She asked me what it would take for me to achieve my dream and I said "a miracle". Well, folks, I'm making my dream come true! Today, I randomly pitched the Director of Programs and Community Engagement at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Michigan.

Do you know which country this armband came from? Poland.

Here's the thing: I don't want her job... well, not all of it. I want to work with her to make the HMC bigger and better! I want to take over the social media aspect of the marketing. I want to switch things up and set the HMC apart from the other Holocaust museums.

I know, I have lofty goals and odd dreams for a 31 year old woman...let's just hope she tells me that they want to hire me because I'm super-duper awesome! I've never done anything this brazen before but there's a first time for everything!

I think if all of my grandparents were alive, there would only be one who would ask me WTF I was thinking. My Papa always had a problem with remembering the Holocaust but his story is the one story I keep researching because it was so unique and rarely told. I may focus my PhD work on the forced labor Hungarian battalions but, for now, I just want to absorb (and spit back) as much info as I can.

My Papa, Albert, was in the munkaszolgálat - Hungarian slave labor service - during the Holocaust.


Selena said...

Hooray for being brazen!

Becoming Supermommy said...

Mazel tov!
My sister has her master's in Holocaust and Genocide studies from West Chester, and she's starting her Ph.D. in the fall at Wayne State. If you'd like, I'd be happy to sort of introduce you. I know the Michigan Holocaust Scholar community isn't exactly large, so your paths are likely to cross anyway. :)

Katie said...

Congratulations! :) What a fantastic opportunity!

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