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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Me, Rutgers, and the Revolutionary War

Every time Craig and I go to the US, we want to travel to some place outside of Detroit. I've been to A LOT of places around the US but Craig has been, South Haven, and Holland ... which are all in Michigan. We have a few trips planned for this coming year - New York and Florida to be exact - but I kind of wanted to try out Central New Jersey.

Now that you've stopped laughing, I have a reason for wanting to see central NJ! When I was 17 and looking into universities, I kinda wanted to go to Rutgers.

Ok, now REALLY stop laughing. I know, I know, there was NO WAY I was getting into Rutgers with my grades but now that I'm older, I kinda want to see what I missed out on.

I have another reason as to why Central Jersey seems fun: I'm a history buff!! Up until recently, I had no idea Jersey had such a rich colonial history. Plus, they have a cool Vietnam-era educational center in Holmdel that I would really like to check out. When I was in high school, I took an independent study on the Vietnam War (think of it as a really intense course that I took independently with very little supervision from my teacher). I ran through all of the other history classes and nothing else seemed interesting, so I asked to create my own subject. I wrote a 110 page overview of the war - battles and all - so heading to Holmdel to the educational center would be really fun for me and I could explain the war to Craig a bit more.

There's other historical stuff there, too, but I think I'd focus on the revolutionary war. Maybe I'll leave Craig and home and just go with my Dad on an extension of our Civil War trip.

Anyway, there's something about Central Jersey that just makes me want to visit. Plus, I think we have family there. It's a win-win.

Have you ever thought of visiting Central Jersey? Check out this Facebook page for more details: or visit!


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