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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Land of Apples and Automobiles

I know, I know, it's been a while. There's a good reason for it, though. WE MOVED!

Last Saturday, we took the flight of our lives. We packed up our stuff, said goodbye to our friends and family, and bid adieu to the State of Israel ... for at least the next 7-10 years. I'm starting grad school and it was time for a life change. As a family, we decided that the best thing for Yoav would be to grow up closer to his family. He has a lot of cousins in Michigan - some of them are even his age - and he needs a good support system. He needs family. His family needs him. We have a looooong road ahead of us. We are DIYers when it comes to money management, so we will need to find online accounting stuff to help manage our finances (it'll come in handy when we want to buy a house, too).

Pure Michigan. Source:

We packed up and moved - now we're just settling in.

What do you get when you mix my parents and their 5 dogs with a baby, a South African, and my dogs? Well, it's either a recipe for disaster or a really good plot for a book. I'm hoping for the book part.

I'm nervous, scared, and excited. Starting new isn't, well, new for me. At age 25, I picked up and moved to Israel. I left everything behind to follow my dream of being Israeli. At age 31, I'm doing it, again. Except this time I'm married, have a kid, and a college education. I came back to Detroit more mature and with an exceptional education.

Now I need to put my education to work for me. I have a degree in International Relations, Middle East (history, politics, and policies), and Negotiation. Yet, I have a love for marketing and social media - it's what I'm good at and what I have experience in (7+ years, whoo hoo!!) ... maybe I can combine the two? Any political honchos want to hire a social media expert?

My dream job is to work at the Holocaust Memorial Center (sorry to any people who want to hire me - it's the gold medal for me) - I want to change the way people are educated about the Holocaust! What happens when a 13 year old with a cell phone and a Facebook account visits a Holocaust museum? They sit for a few hours learning the horrors of the Holocaust... then they go home. And they forget. I don't want them to forget. I want them to remember and I want them to follow the museum on Facebook. I want them to interact with the museum online. I want them to remember what they learned and teach the future generations. The Internet is the way to do that. So is social media. I truly believe my soul-centered purpose is to help people learn in a different and unique manner.


So, we moved. We moved so we can give our son a better life. We moved so I can eventually become Dr. Smartypants. We moved so Craig can become the man he was meant to be. We moved. Wish us luck...


Tali said...

luck luck luck tfu tfu tfu :P

Tali said...
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Becoming Supermommy said...

Welcome back stateside! Maybe now that you're all Michiganderish we can meet up sometime. :)

Good luck!

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