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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rock the Kasbah...

(That song is in your head now, isn't it?)

The end is near - I can feel it! Friday we found out that Craig's visa interview is on .... JUNE 7th! Do you know what else is on June 7th? Yoav's eye appointment with his ophthalmologist at the hospital. While Craig is in Jerusalem being very nice to the consular general, I'll be in Petach Tikvah (it feels like a half a world away) duking it out with the eye doctor and some surgeons.

Talk about stressful.

In the next three weeks, Craig needs to see a doctor for a medical exam but the only doctor available for this appointment is in Jerusalem. He needs to meet with our lawyer so she can prep him. He needs to meet with his regular doctor to get a copy of his medical records to give to the consulate doctor.
Green Card - Can we get one please?!?

In the next three weeks, I need to get my taxes done (international folks have until June 15th to file their taxes). I need a letter from my employer stating that I am leaving work to go to the US in August. I may need a letter from Gratz College stating I will be starting my studies there. I need a letter from Joanna (the life coach) stating that I am working for her. I need my mom's taxes from 2011 and her i-864 signed letter.

Whew! Talk about a lot of crap to do! Hectic, right?

As an American, there are a lot of things I take for granted - like how easy I had it being an American. When we move back, we need to close all but 1 of our bank accounts; contact the local branch of our national social security association to find out how to pay taxes abroad to the State of Israel and find out what to do with our medical aid.

It all feels VERY real.

So, since I'm feeling the need to give back from all the good fortune I've been given, I'm going to list a few things I'm grateful for:

  • My family - they are truly amazing and when you ask them to step up for you, they do. I come from amazing stock and I'm SO happy my son will grow up having the same kind of built-in community that I had.
  • My Magic Bullet - now that I'm back at work, I start my day off right with a fruit shake. 
  • My priorities - I have 'em set straight! NOTHING is more important than my family and that also includes my work family. I no longer believe in competition in the work place - we're all on the same side fighting for the same team but mess with one of my players and you'll feel my wrath. Still, family comes before work - even if that wasn't always the case. 
I want to know what YOUR grateful for today...


Grace said...

I am grateful for a caring husband and two great children and three fantastic grand children. I'm also thankful to still have both my parents living and my fantastic sister and her family.

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