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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Taxes and Negative Sh*t

I'm normally a VERY happy person but c'mon chevre (friends) - I can't be happy ALL THE TIME! I live in an odd paradise where it's sunny and warm for 70% of the year and just sunny 80% of the year - can't be bad, right? Well, as infuriating as this country can be, it also has something that is lacking in some parts of the US - FRIENDLINESS!

For the past seven weeks, I've been trying to get my taxes done through my accountant back home. That's right, seven weeks. That's how long it took her to get back to me to say "Sorry, I can't do it". She led me on for seven weeks. She said my taxes are "too complicated" ... so I turned to a nice New Yorker here in Israel. (He may not actually be from New York but he sounds like it) His name is David Brand and he's an awesome accountant. He did what my accountant was supposed to do in only 10 minutes. I spent 10 minutes with him on the phone and my taxes were basically done. I also asked if my taxes were hard and he said "not at all!" Apparently, since I don't own any property, have less than $10,000 in my bank account, and have no investments - my taxes were easy! Plus, I filed as married but separate.

After the balagan (think: mess) with my taxes was finished, I returned to my happy place and Yoav gave me a little reminder that even when I feel horrible and I feel like all I do is f*ck up, he's there to remind me that I did something right with my life.

In truth, yesterday was a hard day. Yoav was sick all day, our landlord had someone come look at the apartment (which meant I had to clean - like REALLY clean), and I had the I Love Myself Project to worry about. It was hectic! My day was filled with meetings and I wasn't even at the Optimax office! Yeah, I felt guilty about taking the day off but Yoav was sick and couldn't go to daycare. With no one to watch him, I had no choice.

Every once in a while, the negative thoughts creep in and here's how I handle it...
It's the truth ... and also kinda funny
                                                                            Source: Uploaded by user via Jeanette on Pinterest

  • I repeat "I am not a f*ck up" several times
  • I look for alcohol ... only to realize we don't really keep it in the house
  • I look for chocolate ... and eat yogurt instead because don't really keep chocolate in the house either

But, for real, I repeat "I'm doing the best I can do today" over and over again - several times a day. If I let someone down, it happens. I'm not perfect. Sometimes a little yehiyeh beseder (it's all good) goes a long way for me.

What do you do to remind yourself that everything will be OK in the end?

                                                                  Source: via Jessica on Pinterest

Since it's Thankful Thursday, here are three things I'm grateful for today...

  • My new "project" at Optimax - I get to solve marketing problems and organize sh*t
  • Craig's patience - he's busy as hell right now and he's still patient with me
  • My parents - they almost always take my phone calls just so I can tell them how I didn't screw up that day
What are you grateful for today?


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