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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gold Paint

I want a sticker.

A gold sticker.

Why? (you may be asking this)

Because I painted a lot of my centerpieces GOLD yesterday. I deserve something.

Perhaps a cookie?? A GOLD cookie? No, that would probably taste gross.

Either way, I deserve something fantastic since I was covered in gold paint and spray paint yesterday.

Sometimes, doing things yourself is a bitch. Other times, it's worth it. This is a combo of both.

Don't tell me these aren't cool centerpieces:

What do you think? How'd I do?


Steven Sumner said...

I am really impressed

Lorraine Dahan said...

Hil their stunning! Really nice, good job and Mazal tov hunnie! Wish you all the best!

MrsHillyG said...

Thank you so much! I tried my hardest! The true test comes on the wedding day... if the guests don't notice they are homemade, then I've done my job as a thrifty-bride!

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