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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Great Things in Small Packages

Yesterday I was dead-set on writing you a post that talked about my "problems" but I obviously didn't hit "publish" because I thought better of it. In reality, I was chatting with a few friends and thought "my problems are waaaaay easier to deal with than theirs."

When I was younger, my Dad used to say "put 12 Jews together at a table, have them lay out their tzures (severe problems in Yiddish) - every single person will take back their own troubles and keep them as their own."

We all go through hard times and bouts of not knowing what to do, where to go, and who to lean on. I was glad I could be the one being leaned on instead of the one doing the leaning. Whenever I've had a hard day, I'm grateful for the following:

I'm a lucky girl, aren't I?

What are you grateful for today?


Rebekkah Rose said...

Yes, but with your listening ear and gentle push, I've been able to put the demon back in the box it belongs in. Thanks, friend.

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