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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Oversharing and Blogging

Hello friends! Today I am writing to you from inside my apartment where I've been taking cover for the last two days because I'm sick.

And I have no voice. It hurts to talk.

What's this Yenta going to do if she can't talk!?!?!? She's going to write.

I recently came across another Israeli-American blogger, the Crazy Baby Mama. She wrote a really revealing piece about life here in Israel when you feel like an outsider. I don't know much about her except she's from LA and she shares a lot with people in her writing.

Chances are, she's a lot like me. An open book to anyone who will listen to past experiences but quite closed off when it comes to sharing real emotions with new people. Maybe she's nothing like me but one of her commenters pissed me off. This blogger lives on a Kibbutz (unlike me who lives in city) and some of her fellow kibbutznikim are not too fond of her. A fellow commenter made a comment that she shouldn't share so much on her blog.

WTF is her blog for?? I know that everyone has a different purpose for their blogs - I like to overshare and hook you up with random things. But Crazy Baby Mama overshares- that's her schtik.

I'll be honest with you, I completely understand how she's feeling. I've been here a bit longer than her 10 months (I've been here over five years) and I still feel like I don't belong. Even when I'm with my family, my own flesh and blood, I don't belong. My Hebrew isn't strong enough to form my English thoughts into Israeli thoughts and that bothers my family. I get looks for not speaking well enough. Sometimes I feel quite alone here.

But heaven help the person that tells me not to share so much of my life with perfect strangers. If I want to overshare, I will overshare. If I want to take a week off of blogging, I will. If I want to tell you over and over again how much I miss my grandmother - I will tell you over and over again. And if I want to admit to perfect strangers that I'm afraid of going through child birth and being a Mom (even though I wouldn't necessarily admit that to my best friends) - I will (not sayin' it's true though).

Crazy Baby Mama, I support you and your blog. Keep oversharing, sometimes I'm downright entertained.

On a side note, for someone with no voice and a sore throat - I think I did well on telling y'all how I feel, right?


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