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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NO SPEND MONTH - the start...

Yesterday, I wrote that Craig and I are starting something BIG. No no, we're not pregnant and we're not getting any more animals. We're not buying anything new and we're not really getting rid of anything (except my netbook... any takers?) - we're starting our NO SPEND MONTH!

I confiscated our credit cards (all but one for Craig... just in case the car breaks down). I took all the money out of my wallet (except 15 shekels) and I put EVERYTHING in a safe hiding place. Let's just hope that come March 1st, I remember where that hiding place is. :-)

What We're Starting With:
Our cupboard is stock piled with beans, lentils, barley, and pasta. We also have a TON of tomato paste, popcorn kernels, tea, canned mushrooms (although I'm pretty sure THOSE should be tossed), spices, chicken consume, vegetable soup mix, dried peas, and other random staples.

Our freezer is stocked with last week's pasta casserole, bagels, pita, bread, Popsicles (seriously, in winter??), frozen soup, frozen veggies, frozen chicken, frozen salmon, and pie dough. Needless to say, I can't put anything else in there. The malawach takes up A LOT of room!

Our fridge has some staples like milk, eggs, lettuce, other veggies, lunch meat, cream, coffee, ranch dressing, and some other random items that I buy too much of ... like jam.

My Mom always told me that I'm creative with food and now is my chance to test her theory that I can create anything with only a few items. We really don't plan on eating out because the average meal is around 90 shekels for two people (without overly priced soda drinks) - which is half of our food budget.

Our Plan:
  • Budget out the groceries first. Each week, I'm giving us 200 shekels to spend on groceries.
  • Plan a few "no cost" weekend adventures. We'd like to take the dogs hiking and exploring instead of spending the weekend at the mall.
  • Plan out our meals ahead of time so we know exactly what we need at the grocery store!
We're not planning on depriving ourselves - this is our chance to be creative and get into good financial habits while we still have no kids.

Our first challenge? We ran out of olive oil and canola oil last night ... any suggestions on what to use instead when using a frying pan?


Lin said...

I need to start doing this! We're planning on paying off a few credit cards (which I've maxed out) with our tax returns this year. I think I may have to give them to my husband so he can hide them from me because credit cards & I are just not a safe combo. Good luck with this :)

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