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Monday, January 31, 2011

Start of Something BIG

We're at the start of something big! Something that will revolutionize my tiny family. Tomorrow, Craig and I venture into our NO SPEND MONTH! That means I confiscate our credit cards and we live frugally for one month.

OK, it happens to be the shortest month of the year but so what! It's still a month!

We're taking 1,100 New Israeli Shekels (currently $296) and using that to pay for:
- Food
- Entertainment
- Dinners out
- Gas
- Clothing
- Household expenses (like the remodel project I've been dying to do)

Every time we spend money, I will calculate the amount we spent and what were "necessities" and what we bought "just because". We're not going to live on nothing and we won't live like paupers but we want to see what we spend too much on vs. what we should be spending on.

When Rachel of The Small Notebook set out to do this challenge, she had more mouths to feed and a smaller budget. She gave herself and her family $250 to spend in 31 days. Craig and I have $296 to spend in 28 days. That's around $10.50 a day (or 39 shekels a day). There's only two of us. Think we can do it?

Our biggest challenge? The grocery bill.

Unlike in the US, we don't have a lot of coupons given to us by the grocery stores. Food is marked up and pricey. There's really no getting around it. We started being smarter about where we spend and what we spend on.

I'll start tracking our progress tomorrow. Wish us luck!

Have any advice for us on how to live "frugally"??


Erin said...

Good luck! I know you can do it! Last month I started tracking each of my purchases. It's crazy to see how much just one person can spend. I would love to spend such a low amount, but I realized that I spend around $300 on gas a MONTH! I've already cut my food budget, but I'm interested in how you guys are going to do it all! I can't wait to read all about it!

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