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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

NO SPEND MONTH - Day One ... Funk-y Town

Somehow, when Lipps, Inc. sang "funky town" I don't think they were referring to the mood I've been in since yesterday. There should be a sign that says "Funk-y Town - Population: 1" and it should hang over my head at all times as a warning.

Anyway, our first day of our NO SPEND MONTH was fairly easy. With the exception of some bills paid (they're not counted, remember?), we spent $0 which is the equivalent of 0 NIS. We spent nothing. Nada. ZERO.

So, what'd I make for dinner?

Potato Soup with grated cheese (that was about to go bad) and cheese muffins (that turned out to be kinda bland...) - not a bad dinner when you consider that I brought the potato soup for lunch today, as well. I finished up our cucumbers last night when I made my not-so-famous Syrian Cucumber-Mint Soup... minus the mint. It's more like a dip.

So far, so good.

My Temptations:
I am really tempted to go out and spend a little on more fruits and veggies. The problem? Thursday is shopping night and I KNOW I can wait. We're out of cucumbers, rice, strawberries, carrots... a lot of fresh stuff basically. We're also out of oil and I don't really like using so much butter.

I'm also tempted to go out and buy a new pair of jeans since my old ones are basically ripped to shreds. In all fairness, I've had them since I was 22 - I'd say 8 years with the same pair of jeans is not a bad deal, right? If only my other clothes lasted as long. I have a due bill at a store but I'm reluctant to use it on this. I want to see if I can wait it out JUST a bit longer.

The Upside:
A lot of people have asked me the upside to all of this. My upside? Our sanity. Buying stuff in Israel is expensive. I remember when this country used to be cheap! Even buying at the shuk (read: market) is expensive! Who spends 10 shekels on juice!!! Seriously. We're trying to be creative and since food is the MAJOR expenditure for us, we're trying to cut down on it.

The Downside:
I haven't been paid yet which means I can't withdraw the money we need for this budget. Right now, we're literally living on not spending ... until I get paid.

Wish me luck and hope my funk-y-ness passes quickly... for Craig's sake.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! :) You can add one more to that funky-town population.... :P lol!! I'm hoping to get creative this month and really buckle down... I have no option now. Sounds like you're going to have a great month! Good luck!

3Bs' mom said...

FYI - you can grate cheese and freeze it for later use. ;-) You can also freeze veggies that are about to go bad and use them later on in meals.
I've had luck with budgeting spending money for myself and giving myself an allowance. I can get really picky on what I spend things on when I only have $20 in my wallet. It's more tempting to save it for the next week and buy something I really want with $40. But, it also let's me splurge here and there without feeling guilty. GL, sis! You can do it!

Hillary Glaser said...

It's funny, we usually grate cheese ourselves and put it in the freezer. We still have some (thankfully) and we do the same with veggies. I bought a huge stock of veggies yesterday - most of which is going into the freezer.

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