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Friday, December 30, 2011

Reflections and Resolutions

Source: via Amy on Pinterest
 Does anyone else feel like this was the longest.month.ever? I do and I'm physically exhausted! New Years isn't really a holiday here but you know what is? The Silvester. In Belgium, it's called Sint Sylverster Vooravond or Saint Sylvester's Eve. In Israel, it's an excuse to party. Since the State of Israel doesn't go by the Christian calendar, New Years goes by somewhat unnoticed by a lot of people. We also have our own "New Years" which takes place in September. Yet, as my boss reminded me on Thursday, SOOOO many people are going to have a hell of a hard time waking up on Sunday for work.

Anyway, I thought I'd take a few moments to reflect on the last year - just as any good blogger should. In 2011, I enjoyed my first year of marriage, (finally) graduating from university, and finding out that I'm gonna be a Mama in 2012. I also watched my grandmother pass on to another life - I feel blessed that I got to spend that time with her and that she died knowing her family is still expanding. I welcomed a new nephew to the brood in October and learned that my baby will have a few new cousins popping in after him in 2012. This past year brought us visitors from all over the world - friends from Canada, the U.S., South Africa... as well as much-needed visits from family members. The past year brought both good and bad, happy and sad, but most importantly, it reminded me the true meaning of family.

So, what does 2012 have in store for the Glasers? Well, baby baby baby baby baby, for one. Yup, still on my brain and he's kicking up a storm as I write this. We'll have more visits from family members including my in-laws (really excited to see them!) and my parents (also REALLY excited to see them!). I'll have 14 weeks off to bond with my baby and prepare for our upcoming move to the US. I'll be starting grad school (g-d willing!) which means I'll get to devote my time to studying the Holocaust. We'll watch a few more of our friends marry their beloveds and enjoy the chaos that IS married life. 2012 will be our best year yet! Craig will be finishing school (YAY!) and we'll be closing (or maybe bookmarking?) a chapter in our lives as we leave Israel.

Everyone has New Years Resolutions and I thought long and hard today about what mine should be.

Not my list ... but it should be.
So, here goes:
  • Spend more time enjoying what's left of this pregnancy. This is the ONLY time where I'll experience pregnancy in a foreign country and without other children running around.
  • Accept myself and my body for what it is (and what I am). Truly understand what my body is capable of. Being pregnant has helped this but no more crazy diets - just good food and lots of activities.
  • Make more of an effort to bond with my husband. I won't lie, this last year has been hard and I need to remember to spend more time with him, even when I'm battling something on the inside.
  • Cook more... and not just because I want to remain frugal. I'm getting bored in the kitchen lately so it's time to shake things up.
  • Work less on the things that I do just to make money and work more on the things that I love to facilitate Women on their path to being better.
  • Ask for help more often. I'm not SuperWoman - I need to stop going at things alone.
  • Take time to rest. Being exhausted is no fun.

What are your New Years Resolutions for 2012? 
My recommendation:

Happy New Year - from the New Glasers!


myshelomitashop said...

Congratulation for the baby. You will make a wonderful mother :)

I just tagged you over on my blog. Here is the link:

Happy New Year!

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