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Friday, December 30, 2011

Financially Peeved

OK, I'm really peeved about something and it's something I'm 10000% positive most of my readers can relate to. Have you ever received a debt collection call? They often happen around dinner time or just as you're running out of your house and they are the MOST annoying phone calls ever.

Last year, I received a phone call from a debt collector who was less than friendly on the phone. First of all, if you want my money - be nice to me. I can always hang up on you and refuse to answer your phone call. Second of all, understand that I may not have any clue as to why you're calling! Lastly, if you want my money, don't threaten legal action right off the bat.

So, last year's debt collector informed me that AT&T was trying to collect funds for an unpaid bill from 2007. Seriously?!? This bill was no where to be found on any credit report so I went right to the source and called AT&T. I wound up working out a plan with them because I was completely unaware of this bill. Then I called the collection agency back and not-so-politely told them off.

This year I was working on a project for work and the company we worked with did not meet their end of the agreement so it was decided that we weren't going to pay them. In truth, I had nothing to do with this but when a man named Barry Collins kept calling me and harassing me - I knew I had to do something. There are debt collection laws in place for a reason and there are some great service companies out there that can actually help you stop these collection calls from happening. While I can admit the AT&T fiasco was totally my fault (OK, partially their fault as well), this incident was not my fault.

Barry Collins had my phone number from correspondences I had with a former-employee of the company we were working with. He would call my house at all hours of the day and night to harass me and that is definitely NOT OK. He even spoke with my husband, tried to fish for information and eventually received a nasty phone call from my lawyer threatening legal action if he called me again. Oh how the tables turn, Barry, oh how they turn! Regardless, if I had known about companies like, I wouldn't have utilized my lawyer.

If you've experienced this kind of harassment before, you're not alone and you don't have to go through it alone! Read up on debt collection laws and how you can take your life back from these blood-sucking scum bags.


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