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Friday, October 25, 2013

My Kid Sees Dead People

Call me crazy.

Call me nuts.

But I think my youngest son sees spirits.

Perhaps I watch too much Long Island Medium (lord knows I LOVE that show) but after last night, I swear Ori sees spirits.

When Ori was born, he would stare off into space and start smiling and laughing. He wasn't looking at us, his brother, or his dogs - just at the air. There were no objects around. So, I told his pediatrician that I think he sees dead people. His doctor laughed.

This kid is 'gifted'!
I joked and joked and joked - until last week. Ori was in his swing, happy as can be until he looked to my left (his right) and broke out in tears. His scream was one of fear.

It happened again last weekend.

It happened again last night.

So, I took a line from the Long Island Medium and said "Shoo, spirit, shoo!" over and over again. It took 10 minutes to get him to stop wailing. Poor Cecil was freaking out because  he didn't know what to do. His baby was upset!

Now I'm convinced - Ori is 'gifted'.

And, no, I'm not surprised that this is happening before Halloween.


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