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Monday, October 7, 2013

Toddler Troubles

Aside from our awesome food ration challenge (where we've already started eating our rations BEFORE the stupid challenge began!!), we did something interesting this weekend. We moved Yo to a toddler bed.

The kid isn't walking yet and we moved him to a bed.

You're probably thinking "you're a moron and shouldn't be allowed to have kids!" I feel ya on that one, sometimes. Not this time. Yo sleeps on a cot at daycare and his brother is growing like a weed. He outgrew his bassinet about a month before he was really supposed to. Soooo, rather than buy another crib and have two in the house, we bought him a bed.

Sometimes he sleeps in it.


A lot of times he just likes to escape from his bed and play with his toys. Awesome.

Anyway, this is his new bed:

This is him pretending to sleep in it:
He's not pretending very well.

Overall, he likes it. He gets really excited to get into bed - just not so excited to actually sleep. Oh, to have toddler troubles...


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