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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Prepping for the Bris

In case you haven't noticed, I'm a planner.

I make fun of my parents, just a bit, for planning to the smallest detail but, in reality, I am JUST like them! So much so that it's scary. I plan and plan and plan to the point where I have plans to make those plans.

Yes, Mom, I really am just like you.

So, it's not surprise that I've been planning Baby Glaser's brit milah (circumcision ceremony) for weeks. I'm a nerd - let's move past that.

I've even explained the custom to friends at work and encouraged them to come - but not to watch the ceremony. I want them to come to eat food. Nearly everything in the Jewish culture revolves around food. No one has a coming-of-age party without feeding people. No one. Why? Because if we're celebrating (or grieving), we want you to celebrate (or grieve) with us. Food bonds us.

So, I started planning for this bris really f*cking early. We bought the decorations, plates, napkins...etc. I even started baking early. Everything was under control ... or so I thought.

Enter in the c-section debacle of my life.

To put it shortly, I am due for a c-section on August 20th. My doctor pushed up my c-section to August 9th. The hospital canceled my original date and then said they won't do the new date because I'm not at 39 weeks.

This happened in less than 24 hours. I panicked. All the planning I did definitely did not account for this cluster of a mess. When I thought my c-section date was being moved up, I also panicked because I realized that I was certainly NOT ready for the bris.

You see, I'm half-Polish and we like to make enough food to feed an army. I'm not quite there yet.

Yoav's bris was MUCH easier than this. We were allowed up to 12 people in the room and, after, we went for brunch at my Dad's hotel (thanks, Dad and Joanne!) - super easy.

This time, it'll be at our house. With about 70 of our nearest and dearest. Holy.Shit.

I'm not prepared for this. All of my Jewish-mother training could not have prepared me for this. Heaven help me


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