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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lack of Communication

So, you may or may not have noticed that we dropped off the radar for about two weeks. There's a good reason! If you follow us on Facebook - you already know why. If you don't, get ready for this news...


On August 7th, my water broke just after I went to bed. Gross, I know. Even more gross when it happens to you - in bed. You know your husband is a keeper when he doesn't make fun of you while you're making fun of yourself.

Anyway, by August 8th (our anniversary) we had a brand new bouncing baby boy. Just like his big brother, he was also born with an ABO blood incompatibility but unlike his big brother, he only needed photo therapy for one day - not four.

I delivered at Henry Ford Hospital in West Bloomfield, Michigan. It's kind of ironic that I worked my ass off to get out of West Bloomfield (not that I went far - Walled Lake is only minutes away) and wound up giving birth to our son there. Go figure.

Thursday was his brit milah (circumcision ceremony) and he barely made a peep. His uncle (who happens to be a doctor) 'assisted' the mohel (dude that does the procedure) - who also happens to be a doctor and a friend of my brother. The whole family was involved in the ceremony and I got VERY emotional. Some say it was hormones but, for me, it wasn't. This ceremony, while parts may be barbaric, is very emotional for me. You get to reveal the name of your child to the world. You tell everyone the significance of the name. You also usher your child into Jewish life. It's very meaningful for me. The baby's name is Ori Avram Glaser. He's named for my grandmother's half-brother, Avram, who could have cared less about family drama and welcomed me into his family the moment he met me.

Family always has drama but he was able to look past it all (as was my grandmother).

So, now we're into week two of Ori's life and we're starting to create routines. Those routines will get a revamp when I have to return to work in 7 weeks. Wish us luck.


Mrs. White said...

I am so happy for you! Your family is beautiful!

Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home

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