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Monday, July 29, 2013

#SXSWi 2014 & Why We Moved to Detroit

Once upon a time, I lived in paradise. It was 80+ degrees and sunny for most of the year. Opportunities came because you ingrained yourself in society. You worked hard and played harder. It really was paradise. Of course, I'm talking about my home - Israel.

But this post isn't about Israel. It's about a city that's just as popular in the media these days as the Middle East: Detroit.

When we made the decision to move back to my American hometown, I heard the following statement/question/exclamation a lot:

OMG WHY would you move to Detroit?

It was often followed by:
Why don't you move somewhere cool - like Miami or New York? Are there any Jews in Detroit?

With Detroit constantly in the news lately, I'm getting a few more questions from my friends back in Israel. They want to know when we're moving back. We're not

We moved to Detroit to be closer to my family. We moved to Detroit because you can take the girl out of Detroit but you can't take Detroit out of the girl. We moved to Detroit because we wanted our children to be part of something bigger. 

In many ways, Detroit and Israel are similar. You can only succeed in either place if you work hard and are driven. And, while we live in the suburbs, I'll be happy to call Detroit my work-home in January. 

Take a minute to view this awesome video put together by my buddy Iain and you'll understand WHY we moved to Detroit:


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