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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Landscaping and Runaway Dogs

Writing is my zen - did you know that? I started this blog as a way to keep our family up-to-date on the life and times of the Glasers. It spawned into so much more! Sometimes we give advice. Sometimes we challenge ourselves. Sometimes we just bitch and complain.

OK, a lot of times we just bitch and complain. And by 'we', I mean 'me'.

At 33 weeks pregnant, I'm recovering from what was one hell of a crappy week. This week is looking SO much better than last week. For starters, my contractions have subsided a bit. Sure, water retention has taken its place but it least I don't feel like baby Glaser is trying to dig his way out.

Also, the dogs haven't made an attempt at running away this week ... not yet, at least.

You see, last week I was having contractions and I was sick. I found myself in the hospital for observation and testing. Right before we left the house, Sparky and Cecil bolted out my front door.
"I did no such thing - I'm perfect!"
Thankfully, my Mom was over and she managed to get them both back inside (with a little help from Craig). Talk about nearly having a heart attack.

Fast forward to Saturday. Craig was watching TV and I was in the powder room getting ready for lunch with the fam. Craig came bolting in asking where Cecil was. Last I checked, he was outside with Sparky. Well, as Craig was watching TV, Sparky came sauntering up the driveway and Cecil was nowhere to be found.

Our neighbors had him, called me, and Craig went to get him.

How'd the get out? They dug their way out from under the fence. WTF!!! We have a fence for a reason and these two figured out how to dig UNDER it.

I like to explore. So what?!?!

Sunday we made our way to Lowes (which is really up the street from us). We needed to take a look at some options that would keep our pups from digging at the fence. Without realizing it, we're starting a new project. We're going to buy a ton of little concrete slabs/bricks to put in front of the fence. It'll create a nice little walk way. We're no0bs when it comes to stuff like this so we're making it up as we go along.

Perhaps that'll keep the dogs from running away. Got any other ideas?


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