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Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Seven-year Jouney

Seven years ago, today, I landed at Ben Gurion Airport as an Israeli citizen. I had a one-way plane ticket and a plan to never look back.

Man plans.

G-d laughs.


It was the best decision I have ever made with my life. That one choice forever changed my life plan and destiny. That insignificant choice that many people made before (and after) me changed my life forever. Think about it - in seven years I...
  • started college.
  • graduated college with a magnificent piece of paper.
  • met my husband.
  • married my husband.
  • adopted two dogs. 
  • got pregnant.
  • gave birth to a sabra (natural born Israeli).
  • created a career for myself.
  • took that career overseas.
  • moved my family overseas.
  • moved in with my parents.
  • started grad school.
  • continued my career.
  • got pregnant (again).
  • bought a house.
  • made a home.
 Whoa! That's a lot of stuff to do in seven years. HOLY COW!

I really believe none of that would have happened if I hadn't gotten on that El Al flight destined for Israel.

While I sit back (in my American house), I think about the journey I took to get to where I am. I think about all the places I've seen and the people I've met. I think about the sacrifices I made to live in Israel as an Israeli and the sacrifices I made to move my family to America.

When an American moves to Israel, people wonder why. When that American moves back to America, people wonder why...then they scrutinize. It's a hard pill to swallow.

So, today is my Aliya-versary (the anniversary of when I became an Israeli citizen). It's a date I'll never forget and a day I'll always celebrate.


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