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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New Love: Tree Hut Products

This post brought to you by Tree Hut. All opinions are 100% mine.

Being pregnant, I'm starting to make smarter choices. I stopped using beauty products with harsh chemicals and started using products that are all natural...or as close to all natural as I can get without being allergic to it.

Yeah, there's that issue - I'm allergic to A LOT! 

Anyway, a new product (well, I don't know if it's new but it's new to me) came across my radar so I thought I'd tell you a bit about it. There's a company called Tree Hut that makes all natural products. Even if you're not a tree hugger (and perhaps you're more like me), you'll probably like this stuff. 

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I'm seriously dying to try the Tree Hut foot cream. It's non-greasy (so Sparky's hair won't stick to me), paraben free, and made with organic shea butter (which is good). I like shea butter because (in my mind) it helps avoid stretch marks. 

There's also the Tree Hut hand cream - which REALLY would have come in handy this past winter. My hands were so chapped, they hurt. Every product I tried was super greasy and I was NOT a fan. And, if I could reach my feet right now, I'd try the Tree Hut foot scrub. Maybe I can convince Craig to scrub my feet for me. Maybe? Probably not. 


Natural Summer Beauty

(I designed this because I want to be a #NaturalBeauty)

You're probably wondering what makes this stuff different? Well, it's natural, doesn't smell badly, isn't greasy, it's made in the USA, AND their products are NOT tested on animals (this is a big one for me!!).

Like what you see? Follow Tree Hut on Twitter and like Tree Hut on Facebook. You can find Tree Hut products at Walmart (how easy is that?!?!) - so test it out yourself and let me know if you like it!

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