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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gratitude Challenge - Feeling Icky

Hi Fans! Sorry I've been so elusive lately! I'm battling one hell of a flu virus! Saturday, just before lunching with a friend in Jerusalem, I started feeling queasy. By the time we hit the restaurant, I started feeling dehydrated and then it came on... the nausea. I barely got a chance to speak to my friend due to my frequent trips to the bathroom. Before we hit the car, I was nearly on the floor. I'll spare you the details but it wasn't pretty and I am STILL sick!

Since going back to work, I've been sick at least once a month. It sucks and I'm sure my bosses just looooove it. Well, this time, I'm about 2 weeks shy of my resignation date and I have sooooo much work to do but I'm completely side lined by this whole thing.

So, quickly, I'm going to list a few things I've been grateful for the last few days...
  • My dogs - because they stuck by my side the ENTIRE time I spewed chunks and cuddled with me endlessly.
  • My son - he's so patient and I think he just 'gets it' that Ima's not feeling so hot. He's going easy on me.
  • Our Gannenet (day care lady) - she took Yoavi yesterday when both of us were completely out of commission. 
  • Grocery shopping online - it allowed me to buy stuff to make chicken soup ... because it's all I can eat.
  • Chicken soup and rice - because it's all I can eat.
For your enjoyment, here's Yoav not enjoying his food...

Now tell me what you're grateful for...


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