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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Creating Extra Cash

A friend of mine recently asked me to go back to doing what I do best ... kvetching writing about finances. For new readers, here's a few things to know about us...
  • We live in the Middle East (in a f*cking expensive a$$ country with a vibrant economy)
  • We're moving back to Detroit this summer
  • We will scrimp and save to get what we want - even if it means eating nothing but pasta!
Another thing to know: I hate money. I make extra cash working for a life coach on the side (which I love more than my real job) and I often find myself reading and editing articles about money. To be honest, we all want it but none of us have much of it (sound familiar?) but what do we DO about it? Not a whole lot.
Don't we all want extra money?

Given that the hubby and I are moving with a baby and two dogs, I thought you might like to know how we're making extra cash. Aside from pimping (which may be an option...I hear people make a lot of money from it) or becoming a happy ending massage therapist a la Jennifer Love Hewitt, we take to what we know best: writing, search engine optimization, social networking, and anything in between.

I'm past the age where babysitting is OK, so it's up to my other talents to make money for me. That's right, I said 'for me'. Put your talents to work for you! I often check out places like,, and to help me find writing gigs. All my social media clients have come from word-of-mouth. Same goes with my SEO clients.

What do I do with the extra money? Sometimes I save it but it usually goes to pay off my school loans.

The point: use your extra talents and put them to work. Like animals? Start dog walking or pet sitting. Like kids? Start babysitting. Early riser? Deliver newspapers. You get the idea.


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