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Monday, August 16, 2010

We're hitched!

If you haven't heard by now, WE'RE HITCHED!! That's right, we're married! (YAY!!!)

We've been married for 8 days now and so far, so good.

It's funny, when you live with someone before you get married, you wonder if your life will change after you say your "I Do's" ... in our case, nothing really changed. I woke up and didn't really feel like "Mrs. Glaser" but that's what people keep calling me.

The Shabbat before the wedding, my grandfather called and said "this is your last Shabbat as a Rubin." This week, he called and said "this is your first Shabbat as a Glaser." That's when it hit me. I'M MARRIED!!

For some reason, the big wedding that we threw didn't hit me hard enough for the marriage part to resonate.

Any advice for a newly wed?

Head over to the Schmutz in my Head and the Girlie Glasses GURU for more fun wedding stories.


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