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Friday, April 13, 2012

I Love Me - Do You Love Yourself?

This week I turned 31. I promised myself that this would be an amazing year and I am holding myself to that EVERY DAY! I've been keeping myself busy - helping to promote ideas and people that fall in line with my vision for the coming year. One of my goals was to love myself more and increase my self esteem and confidence. Since I'm trying to increase the good in me, I'm helping Joanna (the Soulful Coach) with this amazing event called the I ♥ Myself Project. In November, I worked with Joanna on the Gratitude Project and the ripple effect was amazing!

This time, I'm being a bit selfish with this project. I'm eager to learn how to love myself just a little more.

I know, you're thinking 'Hillary - for real? Life coach? Get real!'

I may not believe EVERYTHING these coaches have to offer but the very base of what they believe aligns with my beliefs: in order to be successful - you need to know what you're worth.

Think about it - in love, if you don't love yourself you will likely wind up with someone who doesn't really love you. In business, if you don't know how much your work is worth, you'll be underpaid and over worked. In projects with others, lack of self confidence can lead others to walk all over you because they know they can.

I know what I'm worth and I do love myself but I don't always love what I look like. I don't always love how I feel. I don't always feel worthy.

I won't get all sad on you and I don't want you to think I have low self esteem - I don't. I think VERY highly of myself! Borderline narcissistic even. BUT I'd like you to consider what you'd be capable of if you REALLY loved yourself - truly and unconditionally.

I spent three years of middle school and four years of high school being told I wasn't worthy of anything. Kids are cruel and it took me just about seven years to adjust my thinking YET I can still hear the taunts and they hurt just as much as they did at age 16.

This is why I want the I ♥ Myself Project to be a HUGE success! It's a free class - look into it.

If you'd like to help me promote it by passin' along some tweets or Facebook updates - just leave a comment with some contact info! There's even a prize for people who help promote - not just the one Joanna will be giving away but from me! The more you promote, the more entries you have into winning the prize from me. What's the prize from me? $30 cash via PayPal!


Kelly Bejelly said...

Hilly thanks so much for sharing this. This is something that resonates with me and I'm going to sign up!

Unknown said...

I'm going to check this out. It is so worth it. Keep up the great work.

DontSayHurry said...

Awesome, I shared on facebook!
vetsmom_rgv at yahoo dot com

Mindful Autopsy said...

This is a wonderful post. I like you was tormented daily in school and for the longest time I lived that every single day. But, after many years I learned that just what they said doesn't mean I was. It has taken me years, but I have learned to love me. Yet some days are still harder then others. Thank You so much for sharing this.

Mimi N said...

I will have to follow this project. I have the worst self esteem and don't really have an idea of my "worth". The messages I heard growing up have profoundly affected how I view myself. Thank you for letting me know about this.

missdelarocha said...

What a cool project! I shared on facebook, Tania Postolovski

CipBtRO said...

cool project!

markeddi said...

i shared in my facebook tweeted and send tru email :)... if i can win this is helpful to my study.thanks!
heres my email

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