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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Shabbat Reflections - Emotions

I watched the most amazing thing this past week. It wasn't on TV or at the movies - it was in real life. I watched two of my best friends marry each other. I'm normally not an excited person and I normally don't get excited about weddings but these two individuals are responsible for some of the most amazing things that have happened in my life. If it wasn't for them, I would not have met Craig. We wouldn't be married and I wouldn't be pregnant.

Watching the two of them get married was one of the highlights of my week! I did my best not to cry under the Chuppah (marriage canopy) but as I watched them exchange vows and I listened to the Rabbi speak, it was hard not to get emotional.

I guess that's been the theme of my week - emotions.
Source: via Laura on Pinterest

I have a few weeks left before I'm "officially" due and I can't wait to meet the little guy. We saw a 4D image of him on Wednesday and he seems to look like me from the nose downward. I can't believe I'm partially responsible for creating that life! After the ultrasound, we went to see a new doctor (mine is on vacation right now) and the appointment was not the greatest. He has the personality of an Ice King and my blood pressure was a bit high to him. Not high enough to do anything but send me to the nurses for blood pressure tests three times a week.

Going to the nurses station is enough to send anyone's blood pressure through the roof. What's worse than a nosey Jewish Mom? A nosey Jewish Mom with an RN degree in Israel. Joking, joking. Anyway, aside from the hell that is the nurses station, everything else seems great! I feel good (except the tingling in my fingers) and there's a lot of movement from the baby.

Everything is just SO emotional though. Looking at baby clothes makes me cry. Putting the crib together makes me cry. The only thing that didn't make me cry was looking for a car seat - it made me annoyed because the store was REALLY hot.

Anyway, this Shabbat, as I reflect back on my week, I can honestly say it's been a great week. What can you tell me about your week?


Selena said...

My week? I've been in a baby/toddler-coma. Can life get any better?!? :)
I remember crying a lot, too... Micha nicknamed me "the Faucet".

Hope your blood pressure goes down. Shavua tov!

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