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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gratitude and Living in the NOW

I have been a ball of energy lately... not. This whole pregnancy thing is really kicking my tush. Well, that and all the extra stuff I've been doing. As you know, the Gratitude Project debuts on FRIDAY! What's the Gratitude Project? I'm so glad you asked! It's an all-day phone-in event where at the top of each hour, for 10 minutes, hundreds of people from around the world will call in and partake in exercises that can help us be more grateful.

You're probably wondering why I'm doing this... I'll tell ya, it's because I can't stand "fake" polite people. If you're going to say "thank you" you should mean it! Yesterday, I read a great post that's coming up in the next day or so. The post basically spoke about how to return to gratitude when you're really pissed off. Ya know what? I practiced what the author suggested and it totally changed my mood!

I'm about to give birth (YAY) and I don't want my kids walking around with a crabby-ass Mom. I don't want my son to ask "Ima, why are you always in a bad mood?" I want to look for the positive in life. I have a lot of stresses and if I can turn them into something positive, I may alleviate some of that stress. That's reason enough for me to want to TRY to practice soul-centered gratitude. I figured I'd give this program a shot, it's free - what do I have to lose, right?

So, I'm going to start right now. Here are 3 things I am grateful for right.this.moment:
  • My awesome co-workers! They keep me laughing and buzzing all day long! They're the reason I like to come to work.
  • My blog. I'm really grateful for this outlet. I need it. Sometimes I need to vent, or write about budgeting... and I can. And you guys read it! (Thanks for that, by the way)
  • My parents. Being pregnant and living so far away from them is not easy. My dad likes to remind me that the choices I'm making are my own and no one can tell me what to do. My Mom just likes to hear what's going on. I really REALLY appreciate them for just listening to me complain/rant/rave about my pregnancy. They've gone through it a few times already with my siblings but they still make me feel special.
 Obviously, I'm super grateful for my husband and my dogs. There's nothing like coming home to a husband who loves you and little furballs who just want to be with you. Last night, as I was editing some blog posts, Sparky jumped up on my lap and decided the next 10 minutes would be dedicated to him... no questions asked! I just held onto him (because he's big and was about to fall) and enjoyed the moment.

 So, tell me 3 things YOU'RE grateful for.. and then tell me how you're going to live in the moment. Get to it!
Source: via Yesenia on Pinterest


Beck Valley Books said...

People have so many things to be grateful for but sadly sometimes they just dont realise it xx

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