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Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'm Big in JAPAN and Other Stuff

The Gratitude Project is almost here which means life is calming down a bit for us. I guess this is good since all I can think about since Sunday's ultrasound is BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY...

Yeah, BABY BABY BABY on the brain.

My due date got moved up which means I'm trying to find baby stuff. Babies are expensive... even before their born! I'm constantly amazed that Israel doesn't have a large market for baby goods like cribs and what not... you'd think they would since they're all into the whole "procreation" thing. Alas, finding a decently priced crib is hard. I don't really like the concept of having the baby sleep in my bed - mostly because I like my space. SO a crib it is.

Also, I'm taking a huge leap right now and telling you we're formula feeding. Don't yell at me and tell me I'm a horrible mommy-to-be. Not everyone is meant to breast-feed and the choice is ours. Before you start sending me hate mail, let me tell you why. The medication I take for my auto-immune disease makes me mineral deficient. The medication I take for my allergies dries me up (like Sahara dry). It's not a good combo for a hungry baby who needs nutrients. I've had the discussion with my doctor and the hubby. Formula it is. I've also done my research - I'm ahead of the game because I can recognize that I'd be harming my child if I breastfed.

Formula feeding means an extra expense or two... well, a few extra expenses. We need bottles, formula, bottle cleaners, a drying rack for the bottles...etc. Needless to say, something like the Avent starter kit doesn't exist here. Since tomorrow is "Hillary Runs Errands" day (instead of what you call "Friday"), I'll be roaming around, pricing out bottles and formula... and making a few purchases.

Here's what we're budgeting out for:
A crib with a mattress (600NIS/$161)
Bottles (20-60NIS per bottle/$5-16)
Formula (40-80NIS/$11-22)
Diapers (35-85NIS/ $9-23)
Car Seat (400-1100NIS/$107-$295)
Clothing... oh boy...

You get the picture. We're also going the minimalist route. Lord knows we do not want to schlep this stuff back to the US in the Summer. As you can see, we're got our hands full! Anyone up for giving gifts? (I joke, I joke)

On a completely different note, we'd like to say HI to all of our Japanese fans out there! Apparently, we're kinda big in Japan! Whoo hoo!


Rebecca Dolores said...

Have you considered doing a mail baby shower for close family and friends? They could always send a care package, send gift cards or even an e -gift card of some sort? I know some people don't feel comfortable asking but I'd probably ask my parents, bffs, and maybe my aunts. If not, I'd say soak up the culture and do what the Japanese do. You know what they say, "when in Japan..." :) just a thought...

Hillary Glaser said...

Rebecca, that's a great idea! A friend of mine is actually throwing me a baby shower here in Israel. They're not really part of my culture (Ashkenazic Judaism frowns upon it) but I like the idea of a mail-order baby shower. I may need to consult with my sister about that one...

Rebecca Dolores said...

Oh, you're in Israel! I read the post before I explored your blog. I see...that's even cooler! :) Then "do as the Israelis do" is more appropriate!

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