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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Matza, Matza, Man... blech.

So, I know it's been a little while since one of us posted but we've been busy. I swear! Passover is coming which means two things:
  1. A day or two off of work.
  2. Atkins diet... more or less.
Here's the thing, I don't like matza. If you don't know what matza is, imagine it's a giant cracker that I have to eat because the Jews who were exiled from Egypt and freed from slavery didn't have time to let their dough rise - they wound up with this cracker-like substance.

I don't like crackers. At.All.

Matza, much like crackers, is very dry and quite tasteless. It makes me want to drink a gallon of water and then throw it all up. The only things I like that come from matza are:
  • Fried Matza (also known as Matza brei)
  • Matza meal (like bread crumbs but better)
Given my distaste for Matza, I usually go towards the Atkins-style diet for a week. Granted, I eat a ton of veggies and fruit but I do my best not to consume carbs. You might think this is a little nuts but, in all honesty, for ONE WEEK I get a free pass from eating bread. Glorious.Delicious.Bread.

G-d inflicted this on me.

In the end, while I value the principles of Passover, I prefer not to eat the cardboard... I mean matza. My Bubba and Zeidy may eat it long after the holiday is over (seriously, they buy 12 boxes of the stuff and pass it out to all of us), but I'll keep my one free box from Chabad and maybe save it for next year. It'll still be good, right?


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