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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Back to No Spending

We did our best in March to stay within our budget. April? Wellllll, let's just say we went off the deep end. My birthday was expensive but you only turn 30 once. There are now 17 days left in April. The husband and I will spend the rest of this month living on just about nothing. We have no more weddings. No more engagement parties. Nothing.

We're going on a financial diet.

Thankfully, Passover is just around the corner. Ya know what that means? No bread. Nothing that rises. Just meat and veggies for us! And matza of course. Meat. Veggies. Matza. Yum. Ok, not so yum but you get the idea.

After looking at our bank accounts today and realizing we went off the deep end, I'm tightening our belt buckle. For the rest of the month, we're not eating out. No more lunches out. No more dinners to go. From now on, we're only eating what's in our fridge.

Thursday night is our grocery night. What's on the list?
- Matza
- Potatoes
- On sale fruit and veggies

That's. It. Nothing. More.

We have chicken and tuna in our freezer and cupboard. We have frozen veggies, too.

Since there's only 17 days left in April, I'm re-instituting "NO SPEND MONTH" for May. Aside from two really big purchases (flights home to Detroit and Craig's birthday gift), May is going to really cinch our wallets and live "frugally".

This week's goal: Walk out of the grocery store spending less than 150 shekels. I think we can do it.


Unknown said...

Oh you can do it! I spend that on about 3 weeks if not 4 weeks for 3 people.

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