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Monday, February 14, 2011

NO SPEND MONTH - Valentines Day Edition

So, it's Valentines Day. Craig's at work. I'm at home. It's *almost* perfect. I write "almost" because the dogs are SO loud. The upside to not doing anything on Valentines Day - we can't spend money. The downside, well, right now - the only real downside is that Craig's at work!!

This time alone gives me time to plan for next week. I had a craving for kebab today - well, red meat in general. A craving this bad hasn't happened since I was 15 and I was anemic. I figured I'm a little iron deficient so, I paid 36 shekels for rice, kebabs, fries, hummous, pickles, salad, and carrots. So, for a meal that will last me 2 lunches, I paid $9.80.

62% of our budget is gone.

If I spend wisely, I think I can get by with 150 shekels/$41 per shopping trip for the next two weeks. Think I can do it?

Happy Valentines Day!


Shooting Stars Mag said...

Happy Valentine's Day!! You can do it. :)


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