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Saturday, February 5, 2011

NO SPEND MONTH - Day 5 ... The Sabbath

Ever since we started our NO SPEND MONTH, money has been at the forefront of my mind. I have student loans to pay off; a payment that must be made to the school; credit card debt; and a lot of anxiety. That's what I'm dealing with right now.

The good news? We spend NO money today!

The bad news? I have one egg, 2 slices of bread, and 1.5 slices of cheese left. My staples are all but finished! WTF!

Anyway, I got creative today - which is great because I'm pretty sure today was the LONGEST.DAY.EVER!

Here's what we made today:
- split pea and lentil soup (lunch... and the leftovers are in the freezer)
- oatmeal bars (I knew making my own oatmeal packets was a brilliant idea!)
- salmon and mashed potatoes (dinner)
- loads of salad
- scrambled eggs to go with bagels

That's a lot to do in one day ... for me.

Needless to say I'm WIPED!

I have a lot of anxiety lately over spending money. We failed at the grocery and now I'm considering cutting most dairy products out of our menu and sticking to grains/beans/vegetables.

I also REALLY miss fruit. Eating citrus fruit is getting boring.

Tomorrow starts our work week - do you think we can make it an entire week without spending anything??


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