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Sunday, February 6, 2011

OMG I am here too!!!

So I know that its been a while and its about time that I started adding to "our" blog too, so here is my first post.

Hello World (only true geeks would understand it).

As Hillary might have posted a while back, we have two car; the legendary Black Panther and the Mazda 2 that I lease from the company I work for (its still nameless). So as the Black Panther is nearing its sweet 16th it has a few quirks. One of them being that there is something that seems to be draining the car battery (I am assuming that its either the car radio or the car alarm), anyways so when the car is parked for more than two days I usually land up having a dead battery.

This morning was no different, the car had been parked since Thursday afternoon and now since it was Sunday the battery was deader than dead!!!

Thankfully my wife came to the rescue and "shocked" the Pather and I back to life. (Side note - I got to use my birthday present - a road side emergency kit that Hillary bought me containing many many useful tool because we all know how reliable the Panther is).

My love you are my life and my savior and love you lots and see you later.

Regards to all
- The Husband


Hillary Glaser said...

That wasn't your birthday present... it was your Chanukkah gift... but I'm glad you love me so much!

Mr. Glaser said...

you see what happens when I blog before having my morning coffee.

FB @ said...

This blog is just .. adorable. I'm so glad you came by mine, so I could find yours!!!

I am going to add you to my RSS Feed. What a sweet couple you two make ;)

(And yes, I understood the meaning behind "Hello World" :P)

Hillary Glaser said...

LOL, I'm glad someone did because it went RIGHT over my head!

I think we make a cute couple, too... or at least that's what my wedding photos led me to believe.

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