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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Procrastination Edition

I'm procrastinating at work...again. Well, not really procrastinating. More like taking a break. I need a brain break. My brain hurts. Seriously.

I was searching through websites today - as I do every day - for bloggers to write about us. I came across this site called It's a kitchy website that sells stuff that I like.

That is what I am thankful for this Thursday.

This site allowed me to turn my brain off for a bit. How so?

I found this book:
I can spend hours making fun of this book.

I also found this:
Michele might like this for her birthday.

Also on the list of things I want:

Bacon POP - It's KOSHER!


I Like You by Amy Sedaris

I am thankful to today.

Thank you for helping me keep my sanity while making my co-workers laugh with your funny gadgets and goodies.


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