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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Flashback Friday... on a Tuesday

Flashback Friday with

See the small child in the front row wearing teal tights? That's me. This was in the 1980's and it was at my cousin's bar mitzvah. Crazy, huh? Look at the eyeglasses! WHY OH WHY did my mother make me wear that dress? It has a doily for a collar.

Nothing takes the cake more than my sister's pink bow. She CLEARLY looks thrilled to be wearing it. And my other sister... well, let's be glad she chose NOT to use the bright pink hair mousse that day. She had a flair for color... even back then.

I don't remember much about this day except that my aunt (the one I'm standing next to) promised me candy if I sat still. Bribery still works. You can bribe me with candy any day.


Deb said...

-->Great picture for Flashback Tues...I mean Friday! I hope you participate again and I'll add this link to my post on Friday.

jodi said...

Um, it was purple mousse! NEVER HOT PINK!!!

Hillary Glaser said...

LOL, so sorry, Jodi! Purple mousse... my bad.

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