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Sunday, July 18, 2010

So, I'm Jew-ish.

Did you know that I'm Jewish.

Well, I'm actually Jew-ish.

The Rabbanut has told us that we need to go validate our Judaism at the Bet Din (Judaic Rabbinical Court).

Screw that!

We're going to be rebels and create an act of civil disobedience! We're going to Prague for the civil ceremony.

Nothin' says "Happy Wedding Day" like some goulash.

I imagine our wedding day will have something like this:
Or this....

Either way, our second wedding day will be delicious... and I'll be a lot like my grandparents in the sense that I will be legally getting married in Eastern Europe.


Erin said...

ughhh. I hear ya babes! Joel and I went through pretty much the same thing. We contacted rabbi after rabbi and were basically told that it would take me many years to actually become a 'Jew'. It was a great feeling. Especially after sending the rabbis my 'Jewish Resume' that went on for pages. It's kinda disheartening, but I have hope for the future. At least this way we can have a friend marry us!

Best of luck!

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