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Monday, July 12, 2010

Hard Day's Night

The hardest part of my life seems to be now. Immigrating to Israel was easier than what I've been dealing with for the past year. For most brides, planning a wedding is fun and princess-y. For me, it's a pain in the ass.

I hope to g-d I only have to do this once. Well, twice actually.

We are getting married "religiously" in Israel on August 8.

We are getting married "civilly" in Prague in late-September.

How did this happen?

Oh right. A Rabbi whose help I needed didn't act in enough time.

Well, I shouldn't entirely blame him. In all honesty, the stars may not be aligned right for this. Or perhaps, g-d wants me to take an adventure (and have a bazillion anxiety attacks in the process).

Getting married is the hardest thing I've had to do in my life. It's not even fun. The process I've gone through of finding out which family members ARE coming to the wedding and which one's AREN'T coming. Finding out that I AM in fact Jewish but not Jewish enough for the Rabbanut to not give me a hard time. Everthing is hard, Hard, HARD!

It needs to STOP!

I'm getting married in 3 weeks. The madness needs to end. Exams are almost over. Work is work (always stressful but seemingly worth it). School is nearly done (3 more classes, 2 more exams... possibly 3).

I have 2 nerves being crushed to death in my back which makes me want to rip out my kidney.

I don't sleep. I eat but I feel like throwing up afterward because food doesn't agree with me right now.

I need to r.e.l.a.x.

This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do...

... but it's soooooo worth it in the end.


Talya A. Woolf said...

I love you. We are counting down with you, and I will be seeing you soon! Did I mention I love you? Nishikot!!

Rebekkah Rose said...

I love you, Hil! <3

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