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Monday, June 28, 2010

Getting ready for marriage...

Today, I was caught off guard when I read this amazing post about marriage. The simple message is that marriage ain't easy but the road through is fun as hell.

I've been an emotional wreck lately. Between the religious council in Israel, Rabbis in Detroit contesting my Jewishness, and the mess of planning a wedding - I haven't been holding it together very well. Not only that, but try working full time AND taking exams all while climbing out of debt. My life is fun, right?

I'll win the lotto soon... hopefully.

 Like I said, I've been an emotional wreck lately and I haven't been the easiest person to deal with. I may be the luckiest girl in the world but lately I've been very down on myself. I wanted to lose weight before the wedding. That backfired. I wanted my exams to be relatively stress free. That also backfired. I was told planning a wedding in Israel is MUCH easier than planning a wedding in the US. That's a lie. While 90% of the wedding was planned by last November, the last 10% is the hardest part.

Note to my friends looking to get married - ELOPE! Seriously.

I'm hoping that this stuff will pass and I will go back to feeling normal (less moody, more sarcastic).

If you have a moment, take a look at what Lacey wrote about marriage. Her blog is pretty awesome and her post on marriage and love really made me smile. Thanks, Lacey!


Sherry said...

Hil - I know that this is a stressful time for anyone. Just the end of the the end of the planning....You will be married to the love of your life and nothing and no one can change that.


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