It dawned on me the other day that I may need to talk to someone about my hectic life. I also need to slow down. My dad used to tell me to slow down as a kid. Slow down when I read. Slow down when I run. Slow down when I eat. And slow down so I can pay attention to my surroundings. I'm hyper active. I lead a busy life. And he was right, I need to slow down.
I've been in therapy for most of my life. I have a therapist that I see here in Israel when life gets really out of control and I can't handle things. Yet, there is also the school psychologist who specializes in dealing with school-related stress. That's what I am facing right now. I have three papers due within 2 weeks of each other. Normally this would not be a horrendous thing and I could knock them out of the ball park without a problem.
There is one problem though - one is my senior thesis paper.
My senior thesis paper is to be 25 pages long and it's 100% of my grade. I'm a writer by nature and by trade but for some reason, this year - my writing hasn't been the best. I get writer's anxiety. Then I fail. I can't fail this paper. Anxiety has set in. I'm under a lot of pressure.
Can I help in some way?
Hang in there. You can do it!
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