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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

House Hunting and Shopping

Wow, it's been a hectic week and it's only Tuesday! Can you believe it? So, Craig and I have been debating about our couch. By now you know that we're moving back home this summer so the idea of getting a new couch, even just a cheap loveseat , seems a little crazy. Here's the thing - I hate my couch! The stupid thing came with the apartment and it's smelly. It smelled from Day 1 and there's nothing on earth that will rid us of this crappy smell. So, we're stuck at a cross roads - get a new couch or not...

Either way, we're saving up for the things we REALLY want and I'm lucky that I'm Internet-savvy enough to find really great stuff on places like We've been talking a lot about what we want to fill our house with. We're minimalists but we want a big ol' backyard for the dogs. A backyard means lots of grass and a lot of grass means we need something like a lawnmower. Since Craig is South African, he's not quite used to the idea of one of the cheap riding mowers. In truth, I never had one growing up but my neighbors all did!

So, the idea of buying one of the cheap riding mowers got us thinking about all the other stuff we need to fill the backyard with - a tool shed, a garden, stuff to put in the garden, perhaps a garden gnome ... and we've gone from minimalist to extravagant! Plus there's still stuff we need to fill the house with!

We're a little nervous about eventually buying our own home. Right now, we have a little more than just a cheap loveseat and some book cases but when we move, we don't want to out-do ourselves. We're both worried that this move will turn us into the people who want to keep up with the Jones' instead of people who want to be frugal. At least on - we can price shop and compare models before we buy! It makes life SO much easier!

What makes your life easier when shopping for things for your home?


myshelomitashop said...

Oooh I so LOVE shopping for the house! really like to decorate but yeah we have a limited budget for that one and also since we are not in our home country thus far from settling in for good and almost all the furniture come with the apartment (it's fully furnished) so we just need to stay low with them. But when buying small stuffs for decorating I like to do my homework online like comparing prices and browse for good stuffs and ideas.

Lindsay said...

I've come to love shopping for the house! It's so funny because when I was younger, my mom would always drag us to the furniture store with her and it was always soooo boring! Now I find myself stopping at furniture places!

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