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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Hero is Sick

Earlier today, I wrote a shitty post about how crappy my dinner was from the night before. Today, I want to inspire you.

I want to inspire you to give...your money.

Well, I don't want to inspire you - I want a little kid to inspire you.

I know, I know, I post about saving dogs and stuff on Facebook but you can help keep my friend's family from financial ruin. Did I mention their son, Idan, is sick?

Before Ori was born, Craig and I toyed around with the idea of giving him the name Idan Avram or Ori Idan. Eventually, Ori Avram won out. I didn't like the idea of naming my son after someone living - in Ashkenazi Judaism, it's kind of like giving that person a death wish instead of an honor. This is also why Yoav is not named Yosef (after my living step-dad). Ori would have been named for a little boy who is going through a horrific journey.

Meet Idan. My hero.

I recommend reading what this little boy, and his parents, are going through. Read his dad's journey. Get to know his mom.

Then donate.

Even $5 can help them.

If you, person reading this, gave $5 RIGHT NOW, it would make a world of difference.

If you, person donating, shared Idan's story with your friends, it would help.

Take a minute to let it sink in - then donate.

Put yourself in his parent's shoes... then donate.


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