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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Last Night's Dinner was ... Gross

I'm trying SO hard to be heart healthy but I chose the wrong week to start this project. I'm back in the office and life is back in full swing. I nearly fell asleep driving this morning, too. It's hectic. I heard a great line from one of my bosses to one of my work friends that, summed up, basically says going from one child to two children is chaotic.

Throw two working parents into the mix who are incredibly sleep deprived and it's not a very good recipe.

You know what else isn't a good recipe? Last night's food. For.Real. WTF was I thinking??

Once every two weeks or so, I head to Costco to buy Kosher chicken and a large salmon fillet. Then I cut up the salmon, pour on some kind of concoction to make it taste yummy and then throw it in the freezer. I usually divvy up the chicken and marinate it, as well. Then I stick that in the freezer, too. It gives me enough food for two weeks.

Apparently I was a little too exhausted last time I prepared the salmon because all four pieces tasted horrific over the last two weeks. To add insult to injury, I made baked potatoes and roasted squash - both of which smelled gross. I couldn't eat it.

So we ordered pizza.

Not so heart healthy.

I started keeping track of my diet and I noticed that there's little correlation between the amount of sodium I consume and my blood pressure. So, I don't think my high blood pressure is due to weight or diet. Which means it's either hereditary or it's something medical.

Yippie. I'm fucked.


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