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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Being Heart Healthy

I went to a few doctor's appointments this week - each one shittier than the next. First they find an 'irregular' mole on my body. Then my boobs hurt (sorry to my parents and male-friends reading this). Now my blood pressure is kinda high. Holy hell - I'm falling apart (as I write this, I have a migraine). My GP (who happens to be one of the best internal medicine doctors in Michigan) gave me homework. Rather than put me on a pill, she challenged me to lose two pounds by November 1st.
Photo Credit: My PAM Diet

She also told me to record my blood pressure numbers and write down any medication I may have taken to help the problem. But that's besides the point.

Let's get back to the food and exercise part. I've done fairly well with taking the dogs for short walks during the day but I'm not really losing calories - which means I have to watch what I put in my mouth. I started a Pinterest board aimed at heart healthy foods.

I totally believe that food can help you feel better, prevent ailments, and improve your mood. Can food also lower my blood pressure? We'll see.


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